Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Simple Truth

 The Simple Truth
Written Saturday, August 9th, 2009

So I'm not a fan of blogging. Not very much at all. But I AM a fan of truth, and intellect, and creational thought. I am a strong believer in expression of moral values, and life, and something very serious has begun to cross my mind more severally than that which I would have hoped. My thought process became obscenely important to me, and I tried to justify my own comforts, while realizing that this is the very thing that has ruined the world. Comfort.

We're pained at the thought of change. It terrifies most of us. Now, don't get me wrong, I know some people who enjoy a little misplacement within their lives, and accept it with wide open arms as challenge, and new opportunities, however I, myself, am not one of these people.
I hyperventalate at the thought of changing my life. I become morbidly bitter and incoherent and illogical. Irrational thoughts file in line behind the mislogic, and I find myself utterly screwed.

Watching the world is a bit alarming. The mistakes people make. Of course it is only but human nature, however they seem to have no idea what they are doing to themselves. They busy themselves with inanimate objects simply to take their minds from their problems at hand. They use licquor, and drugs, and lust, and desire to overcome their inner sadness, and inner grief. Simply so that they can live "pleased". Happy, they say. Well... They don't stay happy for long, now do they?

Now let's all take a second to sit down, and breathe. Deep, deep breaths. In, and out... And in... And out.
Breathing. It has become custom to us. Habit, even. So familiar, that we posess mostly no figments of awareness on the act.
It holds no conscious importance in our lives. It's just something we do. Without it, we would die. But do we forget to breathe? No. COULD we forget to breathe? Consciously, yes. But not so otherwise. Because it is a familiarity to us. We are comfortable with it.

Like talking. Talking has taken place of significance in our lives. 90% of us loath the silence, and so we talk. We talk to fill the silence, and to leave ourselves content. Silence drives us the sane, and even the very thought of it is very much appalling in certain scenerios. Such as when we have company. When we are in the presence of people. Our loved ones. Friends. Acquaintances.

Imagine going on a date where noone spoke. The very thought of this predicament leaves me feeling inadequate, unimportant. Wow. Awkward.

Why on earth does silence bother us so? Possibly because it has become such a habit to us; we grew up with the noise of busy life. It was around us our entire lives. As we learned to speak, or when we became sleep deprivated. Was it not with the help of noise that we found comfort? comforting words of support. The soothing whispers of the wind, the crickets, the cars. The sounds of many talking; insignificance looming. Taken by reality and drowning our angers in music.

Funny how in order to escape the stresses of sound, we use sound, don't you think?

It's kinda like replacing a half-filled notebook, with a full one. Why? It gets us nowhere. So what is the point?
What is the point?

I can ask myself that very question a million times, and yet I have no answer. There IS no point. We do this because it is familiar and habitual to us. We are used to our lifestyles.

I cannot tell you how many times I have seeked the aid of my friends, and not processed even a word of what they had said to me. Because it did not matter what they said. I was selfindulged in comfort. I liked that comfort so much, in fact, that I did not much care about the struggles looming around it. I didn't care. Not until they caught up with me, and it was too late. And then it hits you. You have no way out. No way to get out of the mess you dug yourself into. The only way out of the whole; the life you build yourself around in troubles and comfort, is to build a compleltely new one. And there, you face a bigger predicament; discomfort. Ooh la la, hello new friend. Literally.

We have to give up everything that ties us down to that person.
Our lifestyles.
Our habbits.
Our values.
And many of our friends.

And we do not really know what to do about that, no do we?
And so what do we do? We continue the act out of comfort. And familiarity.
Wasting years of your life, while people around you watch you make mistakes, and keep moving, because they tried to warn you, and you did not listen to them.

Well, I have got some great news for the world. Familarity will only but drag you down, while you cling to comfort for dear life. Have fun. I can only leave you all with this:

I'm not sticking around to watch it happen.

Alycia Dort

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